Saturday 25 October 2014

Photos: Mother made daughters drink acid, strangled them & killed herself over row with inlaws

A mother poisoned herself and her two young daughters by drinking acid after falling out with her live-in motherand father-in-law, an inquest has heard.
Heena Solanki, 34, was found dead in her bed alongside Jasmine, nine, and Prisha, four, by her widower at their home in Ruislip, west London.The biochemist had forced her two girls to drink the toxic substance and had strangled them before taking the poison and strangling herself.Her husband said..
'Prior to her death I believed that Heena was happy and content,' he said. 'We lived a nice life with our two children, Jasmine and Prisha...
'The only thing that I was aware of that made her unhappy was that we lived with my parents. This issue got her down at times but it's the only issue I can think of.'There were obviously things she didn't talk to me about which I didn't know. I'm aware of that now.' He added that they had decided to move out but had not yet told his parents.

Expect Millions of Ebola vaccine doses by end of 2015- WHO

With the Ebola Virus taking more lives, the WHO has revealed vaccines will be available in 2015.
According to Reuters, two leading vaccine candidates are in human clinical trials, and said another five experimental vaccines were also being developed and would begin clinical trials next year.

WHO’s Marie-Paule Kieny told reporters after a meeting in Geneva.

“Before the end of the first half of 2015 ... we could have available a few hundred thousand doses. That could be 200,000, it could be less or could be more,”
Researchers are testing two candidate vaccines from GlaxoSmithKline and NewLink Genetics.
“At least 5 vaccines are following closely and will be in the clinic in the first months of 2015,”

Creepy! Man dug up 150 little girls from their graves, held birthday parties for them(Graphic)

A Russian historian has stunned many when he held birthday parties for 150 little girls he had dug up from their graves and mummified.
Anatoly Moskvin, 46, from the city of Nizhny Novgorod in central Russia, was arrested after it emerged he had dug up corpses of girls aged between three and 12.
He then took the bodies home and turned them into a grisly collection of mummies, dressing the bodies and skeletons in stockings and dresses and even making one look like a teddy bear.
This week a judge revealed that Moskvin was not mentally fit to stand trial and should remain in a psychiatric clinic.

Iranian woman hanged for killing 'man who tried to rape her'

27 year old Reyhaney Jabbari (pictured above), was executed today October 25th by hanging in Iran 7 years after she killed a man that she claimed had attempted to rape her. Reyhaney was sentenced to death in 2009 for the stabbing death of Morteza Abdolali Sarbandi, a former intelligence officer.

A court ruled that she killed Morteza on purpose because she had bought the knife two days before she stabbed him in the back with it. In her defence, Reyhaney said she'd stabbed the man out of self defence. The court overruled her claims and sentenced her to death, a ruling which was upheld by Iran's Supreme court.

The execution was carried out today after the victim's family refused to pardon Reyhaney or accept money from her family. Many human rights bodies including Amnesty International had over the years called on Iran's judiciary to halt the execution but they went ahead with it. Her mother confirmed it, saying Reyhaney was hanged in a Tehran prison very early this morning.

Rihanna Meets Fans, Shows Off Long Extensions And Fresh Face For Perfume Launch

Rihanna prefers her hair curly but has gone for a different look with this long and straight extensions she was rocking at the launch of her new cologne, RogueMan in Atlanta today. The singer called for her fans to meet her through her social media and they turned out in masse.

Many are now gushing at the opportunity they got to touch and her their favorite performer. See more photos here...

Nigeria's Super Falcons win 2014 African Women Championship

The Super Falcons of Nigeria this evening October 25th beat Cameroon 2-0 to win the 9th African Women Championship 2014 which took place in Namibia. Football stars Desire Oparanozie and Asisat Oshoala gave Nigeria the victory after scoring the two goals in the match. This will be the 7th time Nigeria has clinched the title. congrats girls!!

Super Falcons Asisat Oshoala was named the tournament's Most Valuable Player.

Saturday 18 October 2014

Incredible Photos & Story of Hollywood Actress Who Lived With a Lion

Hollywood actress Tippi Hedren has revealed her embarrassment and regret that she let a fully grown lion live with her family in the 1970s, saying they were ‘stupid beyond belief’ to let the beast play with her daughterMelanie Griffth, then aged just 13.

In pictures taken for LIFE magazine, the Lion – named Neil – can be seen relaxing by the family’s pool, lounging in Melanie’s bed and becoming a distraction in the office

What Heaven is Really Like-Leading Brain Surgeon Claims He's Been There

A leading brain surgeon,Dr Eben Alexander claims he has been to heaven and tells his experience. According to him, it's not just a case of near death experience.He didn't believe in things like that till he was brain dead and experienced it himself .He has written a book map of heaven and his experience is mind blowing..(he says heaven looks like the illustration above)

Before I start, I should explain that I am a scientist, who has spent a lifetime studying the workings of the brain.My adoptive father was a neurosurgeon and I followed his path, becoming an neurosurgeon myself and an academic who taught brain science at Harvard Medical School.
Although nominally a Christian, I was sceptical when patients described spiritual experiences to meMy knowledge of the brain made me quite sure that out-of-body experiences, angelic encounters and the like were hallucinations, brought on when the brain suffered a trauma.And then, in the most dramatic circumstances possible, I discovered proof that I was wrong.

Mass failure at Nigerian Law School as over 3,000 students fail bar exam

Apparently there was mass failure at the Nigerian Law School this year. The Nigerian Law School recently released the 2013/2014 August result, and it was a Tsunami. Out of the 5,000 candidates who registered, only about 2,000 passed. Meaning that about 3,000 students failed the bar exam, the highest failure the Nigerian Law School has witnessed since its 50 years of existence.

Many of the students are angry and frustrated. They say they don't believe the mass failure is the fault of the students and are now asking for a review of their results. An affected student said; Continue...

Confessions of an alleged Nigerian serial killer, says he's killed over 60 people

33yr old cultist, Alawunmi Oluwafemi claims to have killed over 60 people as the immortal assassin of the Aye Fraternity. The most wanted man in Ogun state, who evaded police for years, was finally captured last week in the ancient city of Ijebu Ode. He was arrested by operatives of the Special Anti Robbery Squad, Ogun State police command after a gun battle.

Now in police custody, Oluwafemi told The Sun the story of his life as an axe man in the underworld and how he killed more than 60 men and women. You won't believe his story. Read after the cut...

Story by Chioma Igbokwe for Saturday Sun

Photos: from the Genevieve Pinkball Foundation event

The Genevieve Pinkball Foundation event held last night at The Dorchester in VI and lot of celebs turned up to lend their support to the charity event. Official pics will come later but in the meantime here are some pics I got from various celeb instagram pages. Genevieve mag publisher Betty Irabor and former Miss World Agbani Darego pictured above.  see more photos here...

Friday 17 October 2014

Photos: Camel kills owner by dragging,kicking, biting and sitting on him

The American owner of a Mexico wildlife center has been killed by a camel after it escaped from its pen and attacked him.Richard Mileski, 60, was walking through Tulum Monkey Sanctuary on wednesday when the animal escaped.It dragged him to the ground and started kicking him, before biting, trampling and finally sitting on top of him.
Despite the best efforts of shocked employees, Mr Mileski died at the scene.
According to Mailonline,Antonio Gomez, a Tulum emergency services spokesman, said:
'When we arrived, the people who were there said the camel got out of its stable and attacked him.It dragged him, climbed on top of him, was kicking him, biting him and sat on top of him.

Khloe Kardashian's real dad is Lionel Richie-Report claims

Khloe Kardashian's paternity has always been under question.First it was reported that ,OJ Simpson is her father.The late Kardashian was OJ Simpson's lawyer..Now, a shocking report by Intouch claims Lionel Richie is her real dad
A source told the publication that the reality star's mother Kris Jenner had an affair in the 'wild 1980s' with the Dancing On The Ceiling sensation and Khloe is the love child of their 'sexual affair'They had a sexual affair - he bragged about it,' the source, who claims to be friends with Lionel, stated, 'He said he was on the outs with his wife at the time.'
Adding: 'Everyone was sleeping around with everyone else back then, and Kris was hot in those days.' Jacky Jasper, founder of blog Diary Of A Hollywood Street King, told In Touch:

(Shocking Photos)Inmates at Brazilian Jail overpower prison guards,beat,strip and dangle them from roof

Shocking images from the uprising at the Guarapuava prison,Brazil has been released . Brazilian prison wardens were tied up and dangled from the jail roof by inmates who have seized control of the complex.
The uprising began on Monday when inmates on a work detail over-powered guards, taking 12 of them hostage on the building's roof.According to Associated Press,the inmates have a long list of demands, including better food, treatment, conditions and the transfer of some prisoners to other penitentiaries.
Authorities trying to gain control of the prison uprising managed to win the release of one of 12 prison guards yesterday, but the others have been stripped naked, tied up and badly beaten by masked prisoners gathered on the rooftop, in scenes that have shocked Brazil.
See more photos here...

8 men gang- rape lady on the orders of her boyfriend

Three out of eight young men who gang-raped a young lady (name withheld) in Ilorin,have been arrested .With the remaining five still at large.Parading the alleged rapists in Ilorin, they were identified as Kadri Rafiu, Sikiru Jimoh and Mustapha Nasiru.

One of the suspects, Jimoh, confessed that seven of them actually raped the victim. While regretting their action, he stated that it was the work of Satan.
He said they (victim and suspects) lived in the same neigbourhood, adding that the boyfriend of the victim, identified as Tunji, lured the girl to them while they had a field day forcefully having carnal knowledge of the lady.

Jimoh said,

Stephen Keshi Sacked as Super Eagles Coach...

After a 1-0 loss to Sudan at the African Cup qualifiers, Super Eagles coach,Stephen Keshi has been sacked and replaced with Amodu Shuaibu.The decision was announced by the NFF Executive Committee after a meeting in Abuja on Wednesday night.Part of the communiqué, which was signed by executive committee member Sulaiman Yahaya-Kwande, read that Amodu has replaced Keshi.

“The Committee, unanimously, praised the excellent contributions of the technical crew of the Senior national team, Super Eagles, led by Mr. Stephen Keshi, to the glorious accomplishments of the team in the past three years, and hailed Keshi, Daniel Amokachi and Ike Shorounmu as truenational heroes.“However, in the interest of Nigeria football and the desire to ensure qualification for the 2015 Africa Cup of Nations finals, the Committee decided to relieve them of their duties with immediate effect."(continue)

The Fear of EBOLA- Passenger spotted in protective gear at US airport

A woman was spotted at Washington Dulles airport dressed in head to toe protective gear.This comes a day after the 2nd Texas nurse to test positive to Ebola was said to have taken a flight with 131 people,a day before she was rushed to the hospital.

Authorities however said the passengers on that flight were not at risk as she didn't cough or vomit ..

However, people have drawn attention to the fact that her arms and handbag are exposed..And considering how lethal and sneaky the virus is, her ensemble is not enough to prevent an Ebola infection..

No president or state governor should claim credit for containing Ebola in Nigeria - GEJ

President Jonathan says no President or governor of any state should claim credit for containing the deadly Ebola virus in Nigeria. He says the credit should be given to Nigerians who cooperated while the epidermic lasted. President Jonathan said this yesterday October 16th while receiving heads of a charity foundation at the state house in Abuja

"I am quiet pleased with what is happening because I believe that government alone cannot solve human problems and anything done by government when you involve the private sector and civil societies, it is always better.
There are success cases. The most recent is our ability to manage Ebola. The key thing that made Nigeria a success is the buying by the ordinary Nigerians. 

Ooops! Bruce Jenner is dating Kris Jenner's Best friend

Payback ?Bruce Jenner has moved on and the shocking part is, he is dating one of Kris Jenner's best friends of 20 years and former assistant..TMZ reports that 

"Bruce has hooked up with Ronda Kamihira ... a 51-year-old mother of 2.
We're told Kris is "extremely upset" that Bruce is dating Ronda, and -- as one source puts it -- "It really stings because Ronda never told Kris she started seeing Bruce."
And get this ... for years Ronda and the Jenners have been neighbors in Hidden Hills, CA, even spending holidays at each others homes.

A Jenner source tells us the talk in family was that Ronda was weirdly becoming "Kris' single white female." The source says Ronda mimicked Kris right down to her hair.
The pic was taken at Staples Center in L.A., when Bruce and Ronda went to Elton John's concert

Ebola fears as Vomiting Passenger dies on Flight from Nigeria to JFK

The death of a male passenger aboard an Arik Air Flight from Nigeria to JFK Airport on Thursday ,triggered Ebola Fears. The unnamed male passenger who boarded the flight out of Lagos on Wednesday, died during the flight after a fit of vomiting .
According to the New York post ,congressman,Rep. Peter King said the man had been vomiting in his seat and some time before the plane landed, he passed away leaving 145 passengers in fear.

“The door [to the terminal] was left open, which a lot of the first responders found alarming,”My understanding was that the passenger was vomiting in the seat,"The CDC went on the plane, examined the dead body and said the person did not have Ebola,It was what I was told a cursory examination. The Port Authority cops and personnel from Customs and Border Protection were there, and they were told there was no danger because the person did not have Ebola,”

Touching story of Woman sentenced to Death for Blasphemy

Her daughters hold up her photo

A Pakistani Christian woman sentenced to death for blasphemy after making derogatory remarks about Islam to her Muslim neighbours has lost her appeal to have the decision overturned.

In 2010, Asia Bibi got into a dispute with neighbours and co-workers after they objected to her drinking waterfrom their glass because she was not Muslim.She was later reported for defiling the name of the prophetMohammed during the argument and became the first woman to be sentenced to death under Pakistan's controversial blasphemy law.

According to Mailonline,two prominent politicians who tried to help Ms Bibi were assassinated, one by his own bodyguard.Lawyers showered the killer with rose petals when he appeared in court and the judge who convicted him of murder had to flee the country.
Mrs Bibi - a farm worker from rural Punjab - last year released a memoir called 'Blasphemy', the New York Post reported.She described how she has no idea how long she has left to live.

Talking about how she ended up in her position, she says:

Photos: 2face Idibia and Wizkid land in Ghana for their concert

Hennessy Artistry 2014 headliners, 2Face Idibia and Wizkid have landed in Accra, Ghana ahead of their first international concert happening tomorrow, October 18th.

The concert will hold at the Accra International Conference Centre and will also feature exciting performances from South African duo, Mafikizolo, MzVee, and 4x4. See more photos here...