Sunday 25 January 2015

Photos: Angelina Jolie Meets Victims of ISIS in Iraq

Angelina Jolie visited victims of ISIS today and has called on the world's leaders to do more to bring an end to the conflict in Syria and Iraq.
The actress made the comments in her role as special envoy of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, while visiting a Kurdish refugee camp in Dohuk, northern Iraq.
The camp is currently home to tens of thousands of Yazidis and other refugees who have been forced to abandon their homes in Mosul, which has been invaded by the Islamic State.

Angelina said:

Late Saudi King Abdullah And Some of His 30 Wives + Burial Photos

Saudi Arabia's former king before his death a few days ago was King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz who began his reign in 2005 and passed away on Jan. 22nd at the age of 90. By the time of his death, he had 30 wives, with some of them pictured above with him. King Abdullah has since been buried simply, according to Islamic rites. See photos here...

Saturday 24 January 2015

Photos: Adorable! Lioness hugs man who saved her life

Despite concerns,the bond between a lioness and a man who saved her is still going strong 3 years later ..Theirfriendship is evident as the lioness hugs the man in this amazing moment captured on camera.The story of Sirga and conservationist Valentin Gruener was one of the biggest viral hits of 2014, with a video of the beautiful beast leaping into his arms viewed almost 10 million times on YouTube.

Their friendship began when cub Sirga was driven out of her pride, and faced certain death alone on the plains.But she was spotted by Valentin, who rescued her and took her into the Modisa Wildlife Project in Botswana.

As their bond grew, every time Val opened the gate to her enclosure he was hugged by his feline friend.

Photos: Former West life Singer Mark Feehily now selling coffee from a van

He was in one of the most successful boy bands of all time,but now, Former Westlife singer Mark Feehily is now selling crepes and coffees from a catering Van .The singer now serves hot food and drinks from the back of a truck as he travels round festivals with his new business.

Admitting his new move is shocking to many,Mark told Today FM's Eoghan McDermott, via website

"It's going really well, we've got loads of interest and we've booked it in with a lot of the music festivals and we're talking about doing some Irish ones as well.
"People were flabbergasted at the fact that I was in the van making crepes.People kind of have this thing 'Oh, he was in Westlife a few years ago and now he's making tea'."

ISIS executes one of two Japanese hostages after Japan failed to pay $200m ransom

Islamic State have reportedly released an audio video announcing the execution of one of the two Japanese hostages who were being held by the extremist group.

The video, which is nearly three minutes long, consists of a still photo of captured Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, holding an alleged photograph showing the beheaded corpse of his fellow hostage, Haruna Yukawa.

According to International Business Times,In the video, Goto is allegedly recorded speaking in English, claiming that his captors are no longer demanding the $200m (£133.4m) ransom and are now calling for a prisoner swap.

Islamic State are demanding the release of failed female suicide bomber Sajida Mubarak al-Rishawi, who attempted to blow herself up as part of the 2005 Amman bombings in Jordan.

The video which has yet to be independently verified comes after a 72-hour deadline expired for the Japanesegovernment to pay for the safe release of both hostages

Photo: Meet the Boy who places live wires on his tongue without getting electrocuted

Deepak Jangra - a Indian teenager able to withstand 11,000 VOLTS passing through his body.

The 16-year-old discovered his strange skill when he was repairing his mother's heater.And now he claims he can resist enough electricity to power 500 houses and can even sit with his hands inside a tub of water along with naked live wires.

He told local media:

"I have a gift from God. I feel very privileged. I have the power to do things no-one else can and I don't intend on wasting it.I used to be scared of electricity but now I am confident. I have testedmyself over and over again and I will never get hurt. I can touch a live wire with my tongue and I know nothing will happen to me."On how it started..He explained:

Photos from President Jonathan's Meeting With Entertainers In Lagos

President Jonathan met with Nigerian entertainers in Lagos this evening..Comedians ,actors and actresses,musicians were all there to show support for the president..

Among those who received the president were, Ramsey Noah,Bovi, Monalisa Chinda, Omobaba,Mike Ezorunye, Omawumi,Joseph Benjamin,Ini Edo,Zeb Ejiro Patience Ozokwor,Omoni Oboli and many more...

The last time he was meant to meet them, there was a bomb blast at the central mosque in Kano and he had to cancel his appearance ..

Friday 23 January 2015

Man Successfully Sues Wife For Giving Birth To Ugly Children.

This is just crazy how do you blame your wife for giving birth to an ugly child when your sp*rm also played a part in making of the child??? Well a chinese man divorced and sued his wife for giving birth to an extremely ugly baby girl, according to Irish Times.

Jian Feng accused his wife of infidelity until a DNA test proved that the baby was actually his. His wife however came clean on a secret she had kept for quite some time.

#FlashbackFriday - Obama As A Boy With His Grandfather!

Yes, that is Barack Obama playing in the surf with his grandpa, his mother's father. Who would've thunk it? That that little boy with his grandpa in the backwoods of Hawaii would become the 44th president of the United States? With a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas, President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961.

Now, the president and his wife, Michelle, are the proud parents of two daughters, Malia, 16, and Sasha, 13. See more pics  from the Barack Obama Childhood Photos collection...

Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Going To Hospital For Severe Stomach Pains

When a nun gives birth, the question always is, who is the father? And when the mother also claims not to know that she was even pregnant, it can be termed a Miracle birth!

According to reports, a nun, not pictured, has given birth to a baby boy despite having 'no idea' she was pregnant. The nun shocked the other women in her all-female cloistered order as well as their mother superior when she GAVE BIRTH to a bouncing baby boy after being rushed to the hosptial suffering severe stomach pains.

Via Mirror UK

The woman, who belonged to an order in Macerata, Italy, said she had no idea she was pregnant when she was rushed to hospital in agony.

Shocking Transformation! Dogs abandoned for 9 years given dramatic makeover

Nine dogs have been found abandoned in such a poor state they were unable to see or stand properly.

The nine animals were found in such a poor state - with long matted fur covering their faces - that at first RSPCA officers in Winchester didn't even realise they were dogs.

The pets were found across the city yesterday, Each dog took around three hours to shave. Winchester City Council's senior animal welfare officer, Dave Griffiths, said:

Don't Mess With Beyonce-Michelle Williams slams politician for saying Jay Z exploits her as a sex object

Michelle Williams has been sticking up for Beyonce lately.
She slammed former governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee after he called Jay Z a "pimp" for "exploiting his wife as a sex object."

Stopping by "The View",the hosts asked him to elaborate on why he said that in his book,and he said..