Sunday 25 January 2015

Photos: Angelina Jolie Meets Victims of ISIS in Iraq

Angelina Jolie visited victims of ISIS today and has called on the world's leaders to do more to bring an end to the conflict in Syria and Iraq.
The actress made the comments in her role as special envoy of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, while visiting a Kurdish refugee camp in Dohuk, northern Iraq.
The camp is currently home to tens of thousands of Yazidis and other refugees who have been forced to abandon their homes in Mosul, which has been invaded by the Islamic State.

Angelina said:

Late Saudi King Abdullah And Some of His 30 Wives + Burial Photos

Saudi Arabia's former king before his death a few days ago was King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz who began his reign in 2005 and passed away on Jan. 22nd at the age of 90. By the time of his death, he had 30 wives, with some of them pictured above with him. King Abdullah has since been buried simply, according to Islamic rites. See photos here...

Saturday 24 January 2015

Photos: Adorable! Lioness hugs man who saved her life

Despite concerns,the bond between a lioness and a man who saved her is still going strong 3 years later ..Theirfriendship is evident as the lioness hugs the man in this amazing moment captured on camera.The story of Sirga and conservationist Valentin Gruener was one of the biggest viral hits of 2014, with a video of the beautiful beast leaping into his arms viewed almost 10 million times on YouTube.

Their friendship began when cub Sirga was driven out of her pride, and faced certain death alone on the plains.But she was spotted by Valentin, who rescued her and took her into the Modisa Wildlife Project in Botswana.

As their bond grew, every time Val opened the gate to her enclosure he was hugged by his feline friend.

Photos: Former West life Singer Mark Feehily now selling coffee from a van

He was in one of the most successful boy bands of all time,but now, Former Westlife singer Mark Feehily is now selling crepes and coffees from a catering Van .The singer now serves hot food and drinks from the back of a truck as he travels round festivals with his new business.

Admitting his new move is shocking to many,Mark told Today FM's Eoghan McDermott, via website

"It's going really well, we've got loads of interest and we've booked it in with a lot of the music festivals and we're talking about doing some Irish ones as well.
"People were flabbergasted at the fact that I was in the van making crepes.People kind of have this thing 'Oh, he was in Westlife a few years ago and now he's making tea'."

ISIS executes one of two Japanese hostages after Japan failed to pay $200m ransom

Islamic State have reportedly released an audio video announcing the execution of one of the two Japanese hostages who were being held by the extremist group.

The video, which is nearly three minutes long, consists of a still photo of captured Japanese journalist Kenji Goto, holding an alleged photograph showing the beheaded corpse of his fellow hostage, Haruna Yukawa.

According to International Business Times,In the video, Goto is allegedly recorded speaking in English, claiming that his captors are no longer demanding the $200m (£133.4m) ransom and are now calling for a prisoner swap.

Islamic State are demanding the release of failed female suicide bomber Sajida Mubarak al-Rishawi, who attempted to blow herself up as part of the 2005 Amman bombings in Jordan.

The video which has yet to be independently verified comes after a 72-hour deadline expired for the Japanesegovernment to pay for the safe release of both hostages

Photo: Meet the Boy who places live wires on his tongue without getting electrocuted

Deepak Jangra - a Indian teenager able to withstand 11,000 VOLTS passing through his body.

The 16-year-old discovered his strange skill when he was repairing his mother's heater.And now he claims he can resist enough electricity to power 500 houses and can even sit with his hands inside a tub of water along with naked live wires.

He told local media:

"I have a gift from God. I feel very privileged. I have the power to do things no-one else can and I don't intend on wasting it.I used to be scared of electricity but now I am confident. I have testedmyself over and over again and I will never get hurt. I can touch a live wire with my tongue and I know nothing will happen to me."On how it started..He explained:

Photos from President Jonathan's Meeting With Entertainers In Lagos

President Jonathan met with Nigerian entertainers in Lagos this evening..Comedians ,actors and actresses,musicians were all there to show support for the president..

Among those who received the president were, Ramsey Noah,Bovi, Monalisa Chinda, Omobaba,Mike Ezorunye, Omawumi,Joseph Benjamin,Ini Edo,Zeb Ejiro Patience Ozokwor,Omoni Oboli and many more...

The last time he was meant to meet them, there was a bomb blast at the central mosque in Kano and he had to cancel his appearance ..

Friday 23 January 2015

Man Successfully Sues Wife For Giving Birth To Ugly Children.

This is just crazy how do you blame your wife for giving birth to an ugly child when your sp*rm also played a part in making of the child??? Well a chinese man divorced and sued his wife for giving birth to an extremely ugly baby girl, according to Irish Times.

Jian Feng accused his wife of infidelity until a DNA test proved that the baby was actually his. His wife however came clean on a secret she had kept for quite some time.

#FlashbackFriday - Obama As A Boy With His Grandfather!

Yes, that is Barack Obama playing in the surf with his grandpa, his mother's father. Who would've thunk it? That that little boy with his grandpa in the backwoods of Hawaii would become the 44th president of the United States? With a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas, President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961.

Now, the president and his wife, Michelle, are the proud parents of two daughters, Malia, 16, and Sasha, 13. See more pics  from the Barack Obama Childhood Photos collection...

Nun Gives Birth To Baby Boy After Going To Hospital For Severe Stomach Pains

When a nun gives birth, the question always is, who is the father? And when the mother also claims not to know that she was even pregnant, it can be termed a Miracle birth!

According to reports, a nun, not pictured, has given birth to a baby boy despite having 'no idea' she was pregnant. The nun shocked the other women in her all-female cloistered order as well as their mother superior when she GAVE BIRTH to a bouncing baby boy after being rushed to the hosptial suffering severe stomach pains.

Via Mirror UK

The woman, who belonged to an order in Macerata, Italy, said she had no idea she was pregnant when she was rushed to hospital in agony.

Shocking Transformation! Dogs abandoned for 9 years given dramatic makeover

Nine dogs have been found abandoned in such a poor state they were unable to see or stand properly.

The nine animals were found in such a poor state - with long matted fur covering their faces - that at first RSPCA officers in Winchester didn't even realise they were dogs.

The pets were found across the city yesterday, Each dog took around three hours to shave. Winchester City Council's senior animal welfare officer, Dave Griffiths, said:

Don't Mess With Beyonce-Michelle Williams slams politician for saying Jay Z exploits her as a sex object

Michelle Williams has been sticking up for Beyonce lately.
She slammed former governor of Arkansas Mike Huckabee after he called Jay Z a "pimp" for "exploiting his wife as a sex object."

Stopping by "The View",the hosts asked him to elaborate on why he said that in his book,and he said..

Dbanj's alleged N60m Debt Mess-See Photos of Court Summons pasted on his house..

It just got messier..The NETNg has released photos of Writ of Summons pasted on Dbanj's house over the alleged N60m owed top oil and gas industry player, Henry Ojogho.Dbanj reportedly obtained the loan in January 2013 and has not paid back the said sum despite signing an undertaking to do so....
According to the NetNg report

Kanye West Reveals-Not Smiling Makes Me Smile...God is Love

Kanye West gave a lenghty near 8 minute speech at the Fashion Los Angeles Awards last night..Yeezus started by explaining why he doesn't smile ...then talked about the importance of fashion and design, going so far as to say it's God's work.

"Back when I was working on Yessuz, I saw this book from the 1800s and it was velvet-covered with brass and everything,"I looked at all these people's photos and they look so real and their outfits were incredible and they weren't smiling and people, you know the paparazzi, always come up to me, ‘Why you not smiling?' and I think, not smiling makes me smile…When you see paintings in an old castle, people are not smiling cause it just wouldn't look as cool."
"In my opinion, God is the number one creator and anytime we create, we're an extension of doinghis work on earth,"That's why we're here, what can we do for humanity and you know, in a way, fashion is what defines the time."He continued

PDP Wants Election Postponed, APC Responds

A twist seems to have been added to the growing apprehension over the conduct of the 2015 general elections, as the National Security Adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki, today called on the Independent National Electoral Commission to postpone the elections.

Sambo spoke at a Chattam House lecture in London, offering the excuse that the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has not distributed Permanent Voters Cards across the country as was expected.

Photos: Chris Brown Stars karrueche In New Music Video

Love conquers all. Chris Brown fights for love in the Asian-themed video for “Autumn Leaves” off his Grammy-nominated album X. The R&B superstar plays a sword-wielding samurai in the cinematic clip, which was shot against the lush backdrop of Hawaii and co-stars his girlfriend Karrueche Tran as his on-screen lover.

See more photos here...

Photos: 90 Year Old Great-Grandmother in Primary School in Kenya

A 90-year-old Kenyan woman who goes to class with six of her great-great-grandchildren is believed to be the oldest primary school pupil in the world.

Sitting at the front of class four in her school uniform, Priscilla Sitienei listens intently while she writes the English names of animals in her notebook.

She joined Leaders Vision Preparatory School five years ago and has also served her village of Ndalat in the Rift Valley as a midwife for the last 65 years.

Man Allegedly Takes Dead Mum's Body to the Bank to Withdraw Money in Her Name

A man has been accused of taking his dead mum's body to a bank in a wheelchair to make a cash withdrawal in her name.

David Vanzo is being investigated for 'elderly neglect and financial exploitation' of his mum following the alleged incident.

He is alleged to have withdrawn $850 in his mother's name.

Mirror Uk says His mother, Caryl Vanzo, reportedly died two weeks ago, just before her 91st birthday.

Detectives are investigating whether he brought his mother to the bank to make a withdrawal...

Monday 19 January 2015

Photos: Meet the soldier who has become the army's 1st transgender officer

Captain Hannah Winterbourne (right) is the first transgender officer in the world. She was born a man and spent the first few years in the Army as a man before deciding to undergo a sex-change operation while serving in Afghanistan and began her transition in 2013. Now she's the Army’s most highly ranked transgender soldier and the only one to become an officer. She's now in charge of 100 soldiers, See more photos here...

Boko Haram frees 20 captured in Cameroon

According to BBC, 20 out of the 80 people captured by members of Boko Haram in a cross-border attack in North Cameroon yesterday January 18th have been freed. Cameroon's defence ministry in a statement released today said the hostages were freed "as defence forces pursued the attackers who were heading back to Nigeria". 

Boko Haram yesterday launched a fierce attack on some villages in Cameroon, capturing 80 people, most of them children.

Meet the man who's dating Michelle Obama, Beyonce and Kim K...

You can kiss, hug and cuddle the most beautiful and powerful women in the world - all you need to know is how to use

How I Made the Kardashian's Famous -Ryan Seacrest

Renowned TV and radio host, Ryan Seacrest has revealed just how he recruited the famous Kardashian family and inevitably launched their careers..In a new interview with Haute Living
“I loved watching The Osbournes, which was really the first show of this [reality] genre. I started thinking about what another show could be like or who another show could be about, which is how [The Kardashians] started,” he recalls. “We went to some casting directors in L.A. and said, ‘We’re interested in meeting families who want to be on a series or are interested in being in the world of television. The Kardashians were interested.

“We got linked up through a casting director. I had met the girls before, but I didn’t know the family well,” he continues. “So I said to a guy in my office,..

I'm not sick..PDP is Desperate! Buhari Slams rumours

All Progressives Congress, APC, presidential candidate, General Muhammadu Buhari, yesterday, fired back at reports about his medical fitness and educational qualification.. He said it was all a ploy by the PDP to distract from the core campaign issues of corruption and incompetent leadership.Buhari who was reported to have flown to the USA held a press conference in Abuja yesterday...

“I was at Nasarawa and Benue states yesterday (Saturday). Tomorrow I am going to be in two states. The day after tomorrow in two more states. I am doing two states per day. How they got the impression that I was sick I do not know although I got cold and that did not stop me from going through my schedule.

Pupil Collapses after Unmarried 60-year-old bricklayer rapes her in Lagos

A 60-year-old bricklayer, Segun Benson, has been accused of raping a primary six pupil on Mommoh Street in the Agege area of Lagos State.In the course of the rape, the victim’s private parts were said to have been damaged.

Benson, who has an aged mother, was said to have never been married, while attempts by his mother to get him a wife had continually been turned down.After he allegedly ravished the victim, he was said to have sent her out, despite the flow of blood from her private parts.

Residents were said to have sighted the victim in a public bathroom writhing in pain.After bleeding from her private parts for a while, the 14-year-old was said to have collapsed.

Checkout Jermaine Jackson & Stunning Afghan Wife.....


Most of us don't know Micheal Jackson's brother Jermaine's private life..The star who was in Nigeria late last year met his wife Halima Rashid while standing in line at Starbucks more than a decade ago.

60 year old Jermaine, who has been married and divorced twice ,became a Muslim in 1989 during a trip to Bahrain. After his chance meeting with Halima ,a very wealthy lady of Afghan descent in January 2004 ,two months later they wed in a mosque in Los Angeles. see more photos here...

Adorable! Shakira shows off baby bump as she poses with Son & Gerard Piqué

A heavily pregnant Shakira showcased her baby bump in beautiful new photos with her family, boyfriend Gerard Piqué and their son Milan.

Beautiful family, See more photos here...

Beyoncé's little girl Blue Ivy enjoys playdate with Kelly Rowland's baby son


Beyoncé Knowles and her best friend Kelly Rowland are bringing their babies up together. The two mums and their families, including Beyoncé's daughter Blue Ivy and Kelly's son Titan Jewell, were all spotted hanging out at Soho House in West California last week, where they doted on the little ones.

Beyoncé, 33, was first to arrive with her three-year-old daughter, US Weekly reports. Once inside, she spent one-on-one time with Blue, who was keeping herself entertained by making "bird noises", an onlooker reported.

It wasn't long before mother and daughter were joined for lunch by Kelly, Tim Witherspoon and their two-month-old son Titan, as well as Beyoncé's husband Jay Z...

Sunday 18 January 2015

Photo: Woman dies hours after giving birth to quadruplets

A 36 year old woman named Erica Morales (pictured) died hours after giving birth on Thursday Jan. 15th to quadruplets in a Phoenix hospital.
Erica Morales was about seven months pregnant when she delivered the babies — three girls and a boy — at Banner Good Samaritan hospital, Nicole Todman, a family friend, told the news organization.
But she died before ever getting a chance to see the babies she and her husband had long hoped for, Todman said.
Morales initially went to the hospital for high blood pressure, according to Todman, who added she was unsure of how exactly her friend died.
The hospital would not provide that information, the AP reported.

Dprince releases new hot photos

Mavin Artist D'Prince released some hot new photos from a recent photo shoot on his instagram page a few hours ago. See more photos here..

Nigerian drug convict Daniel Enemuo, 5 others executed in Indonesia

Nigerian drug convict Daniel Enemuo and 5 other foreigners from Vietnam, Malawi, Brazil and Netherlands were executed in the early hours of this morning Sunday January 18th for drug offences.

The convicts, who were killed by firing squad, are the first people executed under new President Joko Widodo,who took office in October 2014. He signed off on the executions last month..

Pope hugs little girl who asked him why God allows little girls become prostitutes

Pope Francis who is currently in the Philippines was moved to hug these two children after one of them, 12 year old Glyzelle Palomar, a rehabilitated homeless girl, asked him in tears why God could allow children to become prostitutes.
"Many children get involved in drugs and prostitution. Why does God allow these things to happen to us? The children are not guilty of anything.” Palomar said during her speech at a Catholic mass
Pope Francis who couldn't find an immediate answer for her question, got up and gave a hug. He later replied her and the congregation saying
“She is the only one who has put forward a question for which there is no answer and she was not even able to express it in words but rather in tears. I invite each one of you to ask yourselves, 'Have I learned how to weep, how to cry when I see a hungry child, a child on the street who uses drugs, a homeless child, an abandoned child, an abused child, a child that society uses as a slave?” He said

Steve Harvey & wife loved up in new pics as he celebrates birthday

To celebrate his 58th birthday, celebrated TV host, comedian and actor, Steve Harvey and his wife Marjorie went on a boat cruise yesterday in Miami where the put on major PDA. And by the way that's the body of a 50 year old woman. Banging! See more photos here...

Shocking sad news! Actor Muna Obiekwe has died

Yes, it's true! Actor Muna Obiekwe has died. He died this afternoon around 4:15pm in a hospital in Lagos after a battle with kidney failure. He was rushed to the hospital today after he collapsed at his home. Muna has been quietly battling this kidney disease but kept it hush hush from friends and colleagues. So Sad! A colleague said for over two weeks before he died didn't go for his dialysis.

Muna needed money for his health problems but instead of going public to raise money, he told friends he was planning a stage play to raise money but died before he could do it. Unbelievably sad!

Meanwhile, there's some twitter handle called @MunaObiekwe that's denying his death. That is not Muna! Unfortunately the real one is gone. Unbelievable! RIP to a great actor!

Graphic Pics-Suspected robber set ablaze in calabar

 A mob in Calabar caught and roasted an alleged armed robber to death.According to reports, he was part of a group of boys known as 'scolombo boys' who terrorize people..While others escaped, he was rounded up by the street residents and set ablaze..

Match made in Heaven! Deaf & Dumb couple wed in Lagos

Just found this beautiful report on The Nation about love in its purest  and a union between a deaf and dumb couple..
Their meeting
Through a sign interpreter, Mrs. Helen Famuwagun  the visibly elated bride said she lives in Owo and has been looking for a nice and responsible man, which she has now found n her heartthrob, Kunle.
“We met in 2013 and courted for over one year. I know his parents and they too know me and my parents very well,” Omolola announced.”
Asked if the suitors took some time coming, she replied that
“many suitors were coming, but I decided to choose Kunle, for his understanding and caring nature. Kunle is a man after my heart,” she gesticulated to her interpreter, who in turn explained to the reporters.

"I just Snapped"-College student who beat school sweetheart to death

They were high-school sweethearts determined to make their long-distance relationship work. Clayton Whittemore had made the journey to see his beautiful girlfriend Alexandra Kogut at the college where she’d recently started studying.

She couldn’t wait to see him and he’d travelled over a hundred miles to be with her, but instead of a romantic reunion, Alexandra, 18, would end up dead, brutally beaten to death with a hair curling iron.

Clayton, 21, met Alexandra at high school in their hometown of New Hartford, Conneticut. They’d been dating for almost two years and seemed like the dream couple. Clayton had been a star athlete and a promising hockey player, while Alexandra had captained the local swimming team.

"Should have known…"

Saturday 17 January 2015

Teenager set to marry her dad after falling inlove & losing her virginity to him..

A teenager has told how she became engaged to her FATHER after the two were reunited following more than a decade apart.

The American woman was estranged from her dad growing up, but the two got back in touch when she was 17.After chatting online for a few weeks the two met - and felt an instant attraction.

Speaking to New York Magazine's Science of Us the anonymous woman, now 18, said:

Photos: Private Jet carrying Philippine officials veers off runway after front tires blew

 A plane full of senior Philippine officials who were part of Pope Francis's entourage to the island veered off the runway as it prepared for take-off as storms lashed the region.
The jet carrying 11 people was due to leave Tacloban airport just minutes after the Pope's plane left for Manila when its front tyres blew and overshot the track.
No one was hurt but authorities closed the airport as tropical storm Mekkhala hit the region

Rock Chic! Beyonce rock stuns in leather pants & towering boots for basketball game with Jay Z

 Beyonce and Jay Z were all smiles as they enjoyed LA Clippers game on Friday .Bey stunned in leather leggings and towering boots ..
This look is a traffic stopper!!
See more photos here...

No Beef Here! Jennifer Aniston talks Angelina Jolie & her new movie

Jennifer Aniston has reacted to the world's excitement after she and Angelina Jolie graced the same red carpet for the first time in 6 years.Talking to Entertainment Tonight, she said

"I think that's slowly coming to an end. I really do,", "It's just tiresome and old. It's like an old leather shoe."
  On Angelina Jolie's critically acclaimed movie Unbroken, she said...
"Unbroken is so beautiful and wonderful and [Jolie] did such a gorgeous job," "and I think it's time people stop with that petty B.S. and start celebrating great work and stop with the petty kind of silliness."

Photo: Father 'buried 10-year-old daughter alive because she was a girl'

A man was arrested for trying to bury his 10-year-old daughter alive in the backyard of his home.

The incident happened on Friday afternoon in Putia village close to the India-Bangladesh border. Police sources say the man's dislike for the girl child led him to commit the alleged crime.

According to NDTV,

Friday 16 January 2015

2 Nigerians to be executed for Drug Trafficking in Indonesia this Sunday

Hansen Antonious Nwaolisa, a Nigerian drug trafficker executed in Indonesia in 2008. Photo credit: daily telegraph 
The Attorney General of Indonesia announced today that six individuals, an Indonesian national and five foreign nationals, all convicted of and sentenced to death for drug-related offenses are going to be executed on 18 January 2015. 38 year-old Daniel Enemuo, alias Diarrssouba was convicted in 2004.Namaona Denis was convicted in 2001..

 It will be the first execution under new President Joko Widodo who pledged no clemency for drug offenders, despite pleas from the European Union, the Brazilian government and Amnesty International.
The others due to be executed are from Indonesia, Vietnam, the Netherlands and Brazil.

Daniel Enemuo, 38, a Nigerian national, was sentenced to death by the Tangerang District Court in September 2004 for attempting to smuggle 1.150 grams of heroin into the country from Pakistan in January 2004.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Graphic pics from one of the deadliest robbery incidents in Nigeria in recent times

There was a deadly robbery incident that happened in Ikare, Ondo state on Tuesday January 13th; I brought you two photos but now I have more pics and details from the attack that left as many as 20 people dead, including police officers and secondary school students of Akunu Grammar School.

The heavily armed robbers, who witnesses say were up to 25, came in four vehicles, and blocked roads leading to the commercial area. They attacked banks, commercial offices and shops and by the time they were done, many were dead.

They indiscriminately killed people including four policemen who engaged them, people who were withdrawing money from the ATM, students returning from school, shop owners and passersby. The worst part is, there was a police station close to the banks so they must have felt safe.

By the time the robbers finished and were making their escape, they killed five more people. Schools and banks closed the next day and the governor of the state paid a visit to the place yesterday. I have some really graphic pics from the incident. If you have the heart, then see it here...

The execution that sickened even ISIS: Woman accused of adultery shot by Al Qaeda in Syria

Shocking video has emerged showing a veiled woman being publicly executed by Al Qaeda for alleged adultery - a sentence that has sickened even the Islamic State. The footage shows the woman, who is wearing a black robe and a hijab (headscarf), being ordered to crouch down on the pavement in front of a crowd of masked jihadi fighters in Syria.

Behind her, a militant declares that she has been convicted by an Islamic court of being an adulterer, condemning her for allegedly running a brothel.

A gunmen then pulls out a pistol and shoots her in the head with a single shot as chants of Allahu Akbar - Arabic for God is greatest - ring out from the baying mob.

Nigerian military condemns CNN's interview with Nigerian soldiers

CNN aired an interview a few hours ago with people they claim are Nigerian soldiers who told them that Nigerian soldiers are buying their own kit to fight Boko Haram and when they get injured in the line of duty, they cater for their own medical bills. The Nigerian military has condemned the interview  .. they even said Satanic CNN report. Lol. Watch interview here

Body of Aspiring Actress found in her apartment's Water Tank 1-yr After She Went Missing

The body of an aspiring actress has been found in the water tank in the Mexico City apartment block where she lived, one year after she disappeared.

Psychology graduate Carmen Yarira Noriega Esparza, 27, vanished in February last year, and friends and family feared she had been kidnapped by human traffickers and sold as a sex slave.

Ms Esparza's severely decayed body was discovered in the tank after residents in the building complained that the drinking water tasted funny.Mexico City Police fear Ms Esparza's body may have been decaying in the water tank since her disappearance.

Ms Esparza, who had graduated as a psychologist and dreamed of an acting career, was last seen leaving her gym in the Mexican capital in February last year.Friends and family set up a social media campaign to try and find her, and took to the streets to post up her photographs in the hope that someone might recognise her.

Pal Javier Paz, 30, said: